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A Samaritans' Global Outreach!


Photographed: @AFPMedia

A Physical Therapist by profession, Maryse Nelson sees and considers herself a conqueror. She is a student of life who patiently and consistently allows every adversity to teach tough lessons as she eagerly searches for hidden treasures.

Nine years ago, Ms. Nelson founded Samarita Global Outreach organization. Samarita Global Outreach rescues, motivates, educates, and empowers individuals within the Community to become a better version of themselves. Although their headquarters is in the United States, they extend beyond the United States’ borders to Haiti and the Dominican Republic. The organization provides education and various forms of assistance to individuals, especially to those in need.

My Samarita started as a prayer line to support women and has grown tremendously. The organization has various flagship programs to provide to the community; Fanm se Kajou (Women of Mahogany), an ongoing woman motivation and education support, and SuperChamp, a youth empowerment program in Haiti.

The organization’s mission is to encourage people to leave a legacy behind for those who come after. Please encourage them to live and operate at a higher level and do right. Long term goal of the organization is for every flagship program to be at a level where they can function independently.

What I’ve discovered about people is that if you show interest in them, they will organize themselves and will make things happen.”

According to Ms. Nelson, the biggest challenge was persuading people to see the bigger picture and take the organization seriously. It is hard work trying to explain a program to people when they are not interested or see the value right away, said Ms. Nelson.

Although she faced challenges, Ms. Nelson did not let them derail her. Instead, she finds inspiration and motivation from the stories of the people she serves. When you get to know the people and hear their stories, she said, “it lights a fire under my feet.”

Maryse Nelson’s goal is to push, fight, learn, share, stand up for those who cannot, and teach others the limitless blessing of human potential. Her passion, dedication, love to help those in need, and push them to their potential mission, are why she is a Fanm Potomitan.

Watch Maryse Nelson's video interview here - Click here!

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